Are yorkshire terrier hard to train? the way to training yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier country of origin: Great Britain. The Yorkshire Terrier is named after it was born in Yorkshire in the northeast of England, so it is also called Yorkshire Terrier, Joseph Dog, and Joseph Orangutan. The Yorkshire Terrier is short in stature, second only to the Chihuahua small dog, and its position in the dog world is very solid. Yorkshire's head is often decorated with ribbons, and the body is covered with long silky hair and has a terrier-like character. Happy and lively, with little bones and strength. The legs are not too short or too long, and when standing like a wary hunter, they have a wide range of control. Yorkshire was used to repel rats.

yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier training method. In residential areas, we can often see people taking their dogs for a walk, but at the same time, we often see dogs urinating and defecate everywhere, which gives us a great living environment. influences. If we train dogs, we can not only solve the problem of dogs urinating and defecating everywhere but also allow them to better integrate into our lives. So let's focus on the training methods of Yorkshire Terrier.

How to train Yorkshire Terrier

First, when reprimanding Yorkshire, don't call Yorkshire by name. When Yorkshire did something "not to do", have you ever scolded Yorkshire's name, such as "Kathy, can't"? This will give Yorkshire a conditioned reflex. When I called my name, I must have been scolded. So, when the name of Yorkshire is called again, it will ignore it, and even run away. In the training process, the name of Yorkshire should be called only when giving orders or praising Yorkshire. In this way, Yorkshire thinks that "name" is a very "pleasant" thing, and when you call it, it will immediately run to you.

Second, you should change the route of exercise from time to time. Don’t just follow a fixed route every day. During exercise, you should prevent it from sniffing the excrement or other objects left by other dogs. Put it in places where people or other dogs gather to prevent infection of certain diseases. There are many forms of exercise for dogs, which can be selected according to different purposes. After the exercise returned. Drink clean water for the dog, dry the whole body with a towel, and brush off the dust. Do not feed immediately after exercise, rest quietly for at least 30 minutes, otherwise vomiting will easily occur.

yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire Sports

Yorkshire should have proper exercise every day. Do not rely on the will of the dog owner casually, sometimes several times a day, and sometimes exercise once a few days. How to train the Yorkshire Terrier? The amount of exercise varies with the breed, age, and individual of the dog. For example, the distance for a small dog to exercise daily is 3~4 kilometers, while a fast hound should run about 16 kilometers a day. Some small dogs, such as Chihuahuas, squirrel dogs, and Shih Tzu, are small. If they are allowed to walk a long distance every day, they will tend to over-exercise and affect the heart. Therefore, free walking at home every day is enough for their exercise capacity. Some small dogs, such as Terry and Mini Pinschers, have a lively personality and require more exercise than other small dogs, so exercise should be increased appropriately. Some hounds, such as Afghan dogs, are best to run for more than 15 minutes a day. Before outdoor traction exercises, they should be allowed to move freely for a few minutes to defecate. During exercise, they should maintain the correct walking posture, keep a proper distance from the owner, and correct the front or back, or left or right walking habits.

yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier's life habits

Yorkshire terrier is easy to get along with members of the family, including cats and other dogs. But it is very clingy, so be careful when introducing other new animals. Although he was only a small man, once a fight started, he didn't fear to shrink back. As the child is too small, it is necessary to prevent the child from hurting it when getting along with the child. Like jumping from high places, you must beware. Pay attention to your heels at all times, especially when closing and opening doors, make sure it has followed in. Like to play with children, prefer to sleep on the lap of the owner. He has the habit of catching mice, and his coat is not easy to comb. It is suitable for apartment life and is a very good dog for fun. You don’t need to walk outdoors, just exercise for a short distance; clean your teeth, eyes, and external ear canal regularly; brushing and dry cleaning are necessary daily, just keep the hair close to the ground. Head hair should be tied up; avoid eating hard food or biting hard objects, because it is easy to lose teeth.

Yorkshire terrier
